Sunday, May 15, 2016

The Day Before Tomorrow

 A  nd so it began.

It was the best of days, it was the worst of days.

I know: it actually looks pretty appetizing. But I will remind you: those are carrot spears. Carrot spears! Unadorned. No salt, no dip, no NOTHING. That has now replaced my daily Indian snack + Clamato . . .

*Sigh* . . . I'm actually feeling overwhelmed, if you can imagine that. Why? So many things to think about, not the least of which is the upending of well-established routines.

I guess I just have to DO these things instead of worrying about how I'm going to do them. But what is really annoying is thinking about possibilities . . . what to spice up my carrots, with, for example, and then going down the checklist: No, no, no, not that, no, that's not allowed, no, no . . .

It kind of reminds me of when I was totally broke all of a sudden and wandering the aisles of a supermarket. No, can't afford that, no, that either, boy, wish I could afford that, man, doesn't that look good . . . stuff I hadn't even thought twice about when I had money.

I go to the sushi place, all excited. Yeah, that's what I'll have for dinner! Plain old maguro sashimi, that's what I'll have! Maybe I'll get some extra daikon radish curls with it to spice it up a bit!

The Vietnamese women at the sushi place look at me like I just killed their grandmother. "Daikon . .  . umm, radish! You know, that sometimes the Japanese put as a garnish next to the food . . ?" 

"Gahnish? Gahnish? No, no have gahnish . . ." 

"No, no, forget garnish, radish . . . Japanese RADISH!"

"Oh, you say radish? RADISH?"

"Yes, yes, RADISH!"

"No, solly, no have radish . . ."

(Actually, that was taken in Brigitte's hospital room this afternoon. I will be going back tomorrow to return the result of my, err, sample to the lab at the Jewish General. I took it at the same time as the one for uBiome; I'll be curious to see whether or not the two results agree . . . )

Full report, day after yesterday.

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